Treatment Process
Herbal Remedies
Types of Herbs at our disposal
including their actions & herbal examples
These herbs have an affinity for the brain and can help with all manner of cerebral issues by increasing blood flow to the brain and therefore the flow of oxygen and nutrients.
Examples include: Gingko Biloba, Vinca minor, Rosemary, Gotu Kola, Turnera diffusa.
These herbs cleanse the lymphatic system and allow it to perform its immunological functions more efficiently by stimulating its function and flow.
Examples include: Cleavers AKA ‘Sticky Willy.’ Taraxacum, Red Clover, Commiphora molmol.
These herbs aid relaxation, and reduces stress, anxiety, and tension.
Examples include: Scutellaria lateriflors, AKA ‘Skullcap.” Eschscholzia californica, Avena Sativa, Melissa off.
These herbs help prevent damage to the liver.
Examples include: Milk thistle, Cyanaara Scholymus, Arctium lappa, Bupleurum, Berberis aquifolium, Schizandra.
These herbs have an affinity with blood and a particular organ and have an amphoteric effect in bringing back balance and homeostasis. An example would be Crataegus oxycantus AKA Hawthorn which has an affinity with the cardio vasculature and the heart particularly and can either raise or lower blood pressure by either dilating or constricting blood vessels whilst also strengthening contractions of the heart.
Examples include: Ashwagandha, Burdock, Achillea millfolium, Leonorus.
These herbs can help the body and mind adapt to the stress and strain of modern-day living. by increasing non-specific defense response to stress, and improving resistance to pathogens and infection.
Examples include; Schizandra, Siberian ginseng, Rhodiola,
These herbs help the body eliminate fluids and wastes via the kidneys.
Examples include; Zea mays, Daucus carrota
These herbs help bring a sluggish immune system back into action by increasing the white blood cell production thereby promoting phagocytosis (pathogen elimination).
Examples include: Reishi mushroom, Echinacea, Ashwaganda
These herbs help combat inflammation.
Examples include: Achillea milefolium, Calendula off, Scutellaria baicalensis, Tanacetum parthenium
These herbs help to prevent the cough reflex and calm down coughing. Can have a sedative effect.
Examples include: Lactuca virosa, Inula helenium.
These herbs help destroy viruses, and/or suppress their replication
Examples include: Hydrastis canadensis, Origanum, Echinacea, Glycyrrhiza glabra.
These herbs help relieve flatulence and reduce pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
Examples include: Chamomile, Fennel seed, Angelica archangelica.
These herbs promote sweating by raising the body’s internal core and encouraging pathogenic elimination through the various systems, especially the skin.
Examples include: Sambucchus nigra, Filipendula ulmaria, Nepeta.
There are many more categories, this is just a sample list. Please note that each herb has specifics, can cross many categories, and may be contraindicated in some cases.
Please do not use this as a list to self-prescribe - this is for information only.
“I underestimated how hard it would be to believe in natural remedies, but with Sebastian’s help, I was able to maintain focus.”
Olivia R. (client)
“Herbalism is a religion of nature, representing a balance of head and heart.”
- Michael Tierra