California Poppy benefits revealed
Escholzia California or ‘The Flower of Gold’, (aka California Poppy or ‘poor mans opium’) is an amazing herb we use in practice regularly for people who feel like life is getting them down and they just can’t cope like they used to be able to.
It allows you to be less bothered and fraught by both the minutiae and grandiose things in life and allows things to run off you like water off a ducks back. It’s a ‘feel good’ herb with euphoric properties.
With its mild pain-killing action (don’t worry nothing like its much stronger relative), as well
as being a nervine (works on the nervous system to relieve tension), anxiolytic (calms anxiety) & antispasmodic (relaxes smooth muscle, like the digestive system), it can also be taken to relieve headaches, toothaches, back pain, sciatica etc. Can also be good for ADD and ADHD in children.
Think of it as your ‘yeah whatever’ herb with pain relieving properties. It should be taken in a formula created by a trained herbalist who takes into account everything else in you life. As you hopefully know by now from following me, we Herbalists don’t work on the bandaid or a ‘pill for an ill’ principle BUT always endeavour to get to the bottom of your issues, the underlying cause or causes of your symptoms and then treat those.
We never treat only the symptom itself. This is called suppression and something that Western medicine is all too good at doing and clients have come to expect. Clients say can you give me X for Y please. Sure it’s the easy way out BUT the problem is that with suppression comes potentially lager problems down the road….that gremlin just pops up again as something else later.