The Many Benefits of Schisandra Chinensis
Another wonder herb with many benefits is Schisandra Chinensis...
Considered an adaptogen in the West and for thousands of years a ‘Shen Tonic’ (heart) in Chinese medicine. Shen resides in the heart and is the seat of the mind and spirit and Schizandra is thought to quieten the spirit and calm the heart.
It is said to increase the body’s resistance and improve physiological processes by increasing energy, strength, and improving mental clarity allowing us to better adapt to the stresses and strains of today’s world. Something we all need a bit of currently!
It is a great antioxidant and very useful liver herb, as its lignans scavenge free radicals and so help improve liver function, its detoxifying capacity, reduce any chemical damage & improve regeneration. Its astringency also aids the digestive system.
It is unusual in that it has a balanced energetic profile with all 5 tastes/flavours: Sweet, sour, salty, bitter & pungent.
As with all herbal medicine, the synergy of the medicine comes when the correct herbs in combination are selected for the patient in question by the herbal medicine practitioner, who makes up a specific and individual tincture. This is where the magic happens. The sum of the parts, due to the diverse chemical constituents of each herb, is far stronger than that of the individual herbs.
Contraindicated in epilepsy, severe hypertension, and intracranial pressure.